Happy New Year! Is it really already 2024? Time seems to move so fast nowadays!
Like many, you’re probably feeling some pressure to make 2024 great. The new year symbolizes a fresh start, or a new chapter in our story. To celebrate, many people decide to embark on the journey toward their long term goals by setting vast and elaborate resolutions. Maybe you have already written down your goals for the new year and are ready to get started. Or, perhaps you have no idea how or where to begin.
Did you know that as little as 9% of people who set resolutions complete them? Many individuals end up completely stumped by February, deciding to try again next year. For the next 11 months, they may feel guilty for not following through on their dreams.
New year's resolutions don’t have to feel like such a mighty feat. In fact, welcoming the new year can, and should, feel remarkably refreshing. This is the perfect time to embrace change, and go after what you truly want.
The following tips will help you not only set attainable goals for 2024, but follow through and make them happen:
Reflect on the past year
Spend some time quietly reflecting on 2023. The best way to do this is through a long and nourishing journaling session. Ask yourself: What were some good things that happened this year? Were there any challenges or obstacles you faced? Did you accomplish everything you set out to do? Was there anything lacking?
Following your reflection, you should feel aligned with what you really want. Tune into the topic that came up most, and lean into that first.
The key to setting the perfect resolutions is to truly process how the previous year played out. By understanding what went right, what went wrong, and what you wish would’ve happened, you can cultivate a clear focus and plan for the new year. If you bring attention to your true goals, everything will fall into place along the way.
Don’t set more than one or two large resolutions
One of the reasons why people don’t follow through with their resolutions is because they become overwhelmed by the sheer size of them. If you have many large goals you’d like to accomplish, I’d advise that you focus instead on just one or two. The other resolutions can be condensed into smaller, simpler goals, or saved for another season.
Additionally, you want to ensure that your goals are attainable, and possible. Of course, don’t set the bar too low. Aim high, but try not to burn out white making the goal a reality. This way, you can enjoy the journey as well as the achievement.
Put realistic systems into place
Let’s say that you want to write a book in 2024. Wonderful! But, what’s next? Where do you start?
Out of eagerness, you may take off too fast, writing much of the book in a matter of weeks, then ultimately give up out of exhaustion. Or, perhaps you never even begin and just keep putting the task off.
Try putting a system in place to help you reach your goal at a steady and practical pace. If you plan for the book to be around 200 pages, then aim to write 17 pages every month throughout the year. This same idea applies to most all resolutions.
If you want to train for a race, follow a specific training program. If you’d like to read more, try reading a specific number of books each month. If you want to eat healthier, try adding one piece of fruit to your breakfast and one vegetable to your dinner daily.
By setting systems into place like this, you can bring your dreams and visions to reality.
After all is said and done, remind yourself that you’re doing great, exactly where you are now. Goals are a wonderful way to seek the life we truly desire, but it’s important to appreciate this time in our lives, too. You don’t always have to accomplish more and better to achieve great things. Sometimes, everything you want, and need, is already around you.
I wish you the best of luck this new year, and hope you are able to execute everything you’ve set out to do!
Note: This post was written for a client.